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How Long Does The Average Renovation Take In Singapore?

The Average Renovation Take In Singapore

Renovating a home is a multifaceted endeavor that blends creativity, practicality, and careful planning. In Singapore, where space is often at a premium, renovations are not just about aesthetics but also about maximizing functionality and comfort within limited square footage.

From envisioning the ideal living space to witnessing the transformation take shape, the journey of renovation is both exciting and daunting. Understanding the intricate timeline of a renovation project is essential for homeowners embarking on this adventure. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the stages, intricacies, and typical durations of home renovations in Singapore.

Understanding Your Renovation Timeline

Your renovation timeline may vary, and can typically range from a few weeks to several months. However, it’s essential to recognize that this estimate can be influenced by various factors:

Scope of Work

The extent of the renovation plays a pivotal role in determining the duration of the project. A minor refurbishment, such as painting walls or installing new fixtures, may take a shorter time compared to a major overhaul involving structural changes or extensive remodeling.

HDB vs. Private Properties

Renovating a Housing Development Board (HDB) flat versus a private property can have different timelines due to varying regulations and approval processes. HDB renovations often require adherence to strict guidelines and obtaining permits, which can elongate the timeline.

Contractor Availability

 The availability of skilled contractors and subcontractors can impact the renovation timeline. It’s advisable to work with reputable professionals who have a track record of timely project completion.

Customizations and Material Lead Times

If your renovation involves custom-built furniture or unique materials, it may take longer to procure these items, thus extending the overall timeline.

Unforeseen Delays

Despite meticulous planning, unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather, supply chain disruptions, or permit delays can arise, causing setbacks in the renovation process.

Average Renovation Timeline Breakdown

Based on industry standards and experiences of homeowners in Singapore, here’s a breakdown of the average renovation timeline for different types of projects:

Minor Renovations (e.g., Paintwork, Flooring)

Duration: 1 to 4 weeks

These projects typically involve cosmetic upgrades and can be completed relatively quickly.

Standard Renovations (e.g., Kitchen or Bathroom Upgrades)

Duration: 4 to 8 weeks

Renovations involving kitchens or bathrooms may require plumbing and electrical work, contributing to a slightly longer timeline.

Major Renovations (e.g., Full Apartment Overhaul)

Duration: 8 weeks to 6 months

Extensive renovations encompassing structural changes, space reconfiguration, or additions can take several months to complete.

Planning and Design Phase (1-2 months)

Before the first hammer strikes or tiles are laid, a considerable amount of time is invested in the planning and design phase. This initial stage lays the groundwork for the entire project, encompassing brainstorming sessions, consultations with designers and architects, conceptualizing layouts, and finalizing budgets.

Homeowners often start by articulating their vision, considering functional needs, and exploring design inspirations. Engaging with professionals, such as interior designers or renovation contractors, facilitates the translation of ideas into tangible plans.

Depending on the complexity of the project and the availability of professionals, this phase typically spans one to two months. It involves iterations of designs, obtaining necessary permits from relevant authorities, and establishing a solid foundation for the renovation journey ahead.

Preparation and Demolition (1-2 weeks)

With plans in hand and permits secured, the next phase entails preparing the site for renovation. This often involves clearing out existing fixtures, furniture, and structures to make room for the forthcoming changes.

Demolition work, while swift in some cases, may require meticulous handling, especially for older properties with potential structural issues. Additionally, precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of workers and neighboring properties during demolition. Depending on the scale of the project, the preparation and demolition phase typically spans one to two weeks, setting the stage for the transformative work to follow.

Structural Work, If Applicable (2-4 weeks)

For renovations involving structural alterations, such as knocking down walls, adding extensions, or reinforcing foundations, structural work is a critical phase. This stage demands precision, adherence to building codes, and collaboration between architects, engineers, and construction teams.

Structural modifications are fundamental to achieving the desired layout and functionality of the space. Depending on the complexity and scale of structural changes, this phase may extend from two to four weeks. It encompasses tasks such as erecting new walls, installing support beams, and ensuring structural integrity before proceeding to the next stages of renovation.

Electrical, Plumbing, and HVAC (2-3 weeks)

With the structural framework in place, attention turns to the essential systems that underpin modern living: electrical, plumbing, and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning).

Upgrading or rerouting electrical wiring, plumbing lines, and HVAC ducts requires careful planning and coordination among different trades. This phase involves tasks such as installing new electrical outlets, positioning plumbing fixtures, and integrating HVAC components seamlessly into the renovated space.

While the duration of this phase may vary depending on the complexity of the systems and the size of the property, it typically spans two to three weeks, ensuring that the home’s vital infrastructure meets safety standards and functional requirements.

Installation of Fixtures and Finishes (2-4 weeks)

With the groundwork laid and infrastructure in place, the focus shifts to the aesthetic and tactile elements that define the character of the renovated space. The installation of fixtures and finishes encompasses a wide range of tasks, from fitting cabinets and countertops to laying flooring, tiling walls, and mounting lighting fixtures.

This phase is where the design vision begins to materialize, transforming bare spaces into personalized sanctuaries. However, the timeline for this phase is influenced by factors such as the availability of materials, the complexity of installations, and coordination among various trades. While some projects may see completion within two weeks, others with intricate designs or bespoke features may extend the duration to four weeks or more.

Final Touches and Cleanup (1 week)

As the renovation nears completion, attention turns to the final touches that elevate the space from construction site to livable home.

This phase involves inspecting the workmanship, making any necessary adjustments or corrections, and conducting a thorough cleaning to prepare the space for occupancy. From applying finishing coats of paint to polishing surfaces and installing minor fixtures, every detail is scrutinized to ensure the highest standards of quality and aesthetics.

While this phase typically spans one week, it serves as the culmination of weeks or months of planning, labor, and dedication, marking the transition from renovation project to cherished living space.


In Singapore, where homes are not just shelters but expressions of identity and lifestyle, renovations play a pivotal role in shaping living environments to reflect the evolving needs and aspirations of homeowners. The timeline of a renovation project, from inception to completion, is a journey marked by milestones, challenges, and moments of inspiration. By understanding the intricacies of each phase and the factors influencing timelines, homeowners can embark on their renovation journey with confidence and clarity. From envisioning the possibilities to witnessing the transformation unfold, the process of renovating a home in Singapore is not merely about bricks and mortar but about creating spaces that resonate with the essence of those who inhabit them.

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